Tom Coursey

Master Cognitive-Behavioral Life Coach

Specializing in career development and workplace support for autistic and other neurodivergent adults

Are you feeling that your workplace is challenging you to be something you are not?

Are you constantly concerned that you may lose your job?

Are you unsure what boundaries you can apply at work?

Are you considering disclosing your diagnosis and/or making workplace accommodation requests?

Are workplace demands burning you out or overwhelming you?

You are not alone!

I coach ASD and other neurodiverse clients daily on these topics and more. Using my diverse and lengthy experiences in the workplace (click “Get to know Tompage), I help clients navigate these and other workplace challenges by discussing the challenge, considering the pros and cons of actions and enabling my clients to respond and make informed decisions of their choice.

The coaching process is different for each individual and is based on your needs and desires for your career. We may also explore other areas of your life to help you expose challenges or limitations to your personal and career happiness.

What my clients are saying:

"Tom, thanks for your assistance. I was able to make very positive changes and get some structural things in my life addressed in meaningful ways. Long story short, my husband and I are working things out, whether than means staying together or not in the long term, and the immediate stressors of our relationship have been addressed and are being remediated. Thank you so much."

"Tom, thanks for your help. It is clearly paying dividends and I am seeing results. Ultimately, I have reached a point with satisfaction at this job and with my colleagues. I think there is no clearer encapsulation of the progress I have made than that."

"Tom, you definitely did me a great service today in helping me to change before my situation became depressing. I now have more ability to head to a better path than it I let my situation grind on any longer as it was."